梅德韋傑夫:北約仍企圖在俄邊界擴大軍事設施 ■俄新網(2009.03.17) st1\:*{} table.MsoNormalTable {font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"Times New Roman";}【Comment】 重整軍備?錢不問題,「質」才是一個問題。蘇聯瓦解後,軍備已經停滯許多年(15年~20年?),人才是否為中國所招募,如何接上來? 假使美蘇又再度對峙,那是「肯 節能燈具楠方案」,還是「季辛吉方案」會再復出?有意思的觀察點。 梅德韋傑夫:北約仍企圖在俄邊界擴大軍事設施 ■俄新網(2009.03.17) 莫斯科3月17日電 北約仍在企圖在俄羅斯邊界附近擴大軍事基礎設施。這是俄羅斯總統梅德韋傑 情趣用品夫在國防部部委擴大會議上做出的表示。 梅德韋傑夫說:「北約沒有停止在俄羅斯邊界地帶擴大軍事基礎設施的企圖。對國際軍事政治局勢分析結果顯示,一些地區仍然有極大可能發生衝突」。 他表示,來自地區危機和國際恐怖主義的威脅依然存在。 他說:「所有這 好房網些都需要我們武裝力量在質上進行現代化,使其具有嶄新的面貌。為此,盡管目前經濟困難,但我們今天擁有一切必要條件來實施」。 梅德韋傑夫還表示:「大規模的軍備重整將自2011年起開始,」這次軍備更新涉及俄武裝部隊各個兵種,包括核威懾力量、海軍和空軍。http://big5.rusnews.cn/eguoxi 室內設計nwen/eluosi_anquan/20090317/42429591.html Russia to begin large-scale rearmament of Armed Forces in 2011 MOSCOW, March 17 (RIA Novosti) - A comprehensive rearmament of Russia 's Armed Forces will begin in 2011, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Tuesday. "Last year we eq 燒烤uipped a number of military units with new weaponry, and we will start large-scale rearmament of the Armed Forces in 2011," Medvedev said at a meeting with Defense Ministry officials. He said that the current military-political situation in the world calls for a thorough modernization of the Russian Armed Forces, p 關鍵字廣告rimarily its strategic nuclear forces. "They must be able to accomplish all tasks aimed at ensuring Russia 's military security," Medvedev said, adding that this process would involve the enhancement of combat readiness of all military units. The president reiterated that "despite the current financial difficulties, Russia has 關鍵字行銷 never had better favorable conditions to create modern and highly efficient armed forces." Medvedev also said that the Russian Security Council would soon endorse a national security strategy for the period up to 2020. "Long-term plans in the defense sphere should be based on a Russian national security strategy for the period up to 2020, which the Securit 賣房子y Council should endorse in the near future," Medvedev said. The president announced last year that Russia would make the modernization of its nuclear deterrent and Armed Forces a priority in light of the August military conflict with Georgia . Russia's military expenditure has been steadily growing recently, and the country reportedly plans to increase the current defens 太平洋房屋e budget of $40 billion by 50% in the next three years. Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said on Tuesday that the share of modern weaponry in the Russian Armed Forces would reach 30% by 2015, and would total 70% by 2020. http://en.rian.ru/russia/20090317/120599733.html .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 代償 .
- Mar 03 Sat 2012 00:39
梅德韋傑夫:北約仍企圖在俄邊界擴大軍事設施 ■俄新網(2009.03.17)